
File-based routing

The file-based routing is one of Nuxt’s core features.
Each Vue file inside the pages/ directory corresponds to a URL (route) and renders its content.
For example, pages/index.vue corresponds to /, and pages/foo.vue corresponds to /foo.
This routing system is built on vue-router.

Additionally, Nuxt optimizes each page through code splitting and other techniques, ensuring that only the minimal JavaScript required for the requested route is delivered.

Once you've created routes inside the pages/ directory, you can use the <NuxtLink> component for navigation.

The <NuxtLink> component allows you to specify the route using the to prop to create links.
Compared to using an <a> tag with an href attribute, <NuxtLink> automatically optimizes navigation, resulting in faster page transitions.

Route Parameters

Inside the /pages directory, you can define dynamic routes by wrapping part of the filename in [].
For example: pages/posts/[id].vue.

The route parameter inside [] can be accessed via useRoute().

<!-- pages/posts/[id].vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
const route = useRoute()

// When accessing /posts/1, will be 1


Try implementing the /posts/[id] route and enabling navigation from / and /foo to /posts/[id].
Additionally, in /posts/[id], read the id from the route parameter and display it on the screen.

Steps to complete:

  1. In pages/posts/[id].vue, use useRoute() to get id from params and display it on the screen.
  2. In pages/index.vue and pages/foo.vue, use <NuxtLink> to create links that navigate to /posts/[id].
    For example, create a link that navigates to /posts/1 (you can use any value).

If you get stuck, click the button below or the one in the top-right corner of the editor to view the solution.

The useRoute function and <NuxtLink> component introduced in this section are automatically imported by Nuxt’s Auto Imports feature, so you don’t need to manually import them.
In the next section, we will explore Auto Imports in more detail.

Application Entry
In Nuxt, app.vue serves as the entry point of your application.
Auto Imports
Initializing WebContainer
Mounting files
Installing dependencies
Starting Nuxt server
Waiting for Nuxt to ready